Yi's Blog

Kerbalhopper: PID explained with KSP

Introduction The Starship test flight by SpaceX is incredibly thrilling! True to your old habits, you’ve determined to recreate it in Kerbal Space Program. Perhaps it would be wise to begin by con...


写在前面: 感谢爸爸妈妈和Heisenberg的关心, 第一次考试无惊无险. 虽然最终的成绩没有出来, 但是Unofficial Score不算难看. 原计划在2022年的8月份, 即中考完后的暑假开始上课外班, 准备托福考试. 但是由于暑假已经报名的数理化课外班占用时间实在太多, 一天需要上6个小时, 连续上四十天, 所以为了身心健康着想, 托福的事情还是往后延了几个月. 真正的托福准...

An Introduction to Lambda Calculus

Introduction Who doesn’t like simplicity! To me simplicity is not only a preference but a belief. I always has a werid feeling that only the simple things last. In the world of calculation, the m...


人教版的物理必修二中跳过了对匀速圆周运动的向心力的推导,用精确的实验表明,向心力的大小可以表示为...或...这一套模糊的说辞蒙混过关了。这篇文章旨在帮助高中生理解公式的来历。 考虑一个物体在圆周上运动。我们记圆周运动的半径为$r$,线速率为$v$,角速度为$\omega$,$0$和$t$时刻的线速度为$\vec{v_{i}}$和$\vec{v_{j}}$,经过的角度为$\alpha$,易...